Posts in 2019

  • Tracing Dubbo service with Apache Skywalking

    Sunday, August 11, 2019 in Articles

    Introduction to Apache Skywalking Apache Skywalking is the APM system that it designed for micro-services architectures and cloud native architecture systems and supports distribute tracking. Apache skywalking (incubator) collects and analyzes the …

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  • Dubbo extensible mechanism source code analysis - part 2

    Thursday, May 02, 2019 in Articles

    In the actual implementation of the Dubbo extensibility mechanism, we learned some concepts of the Dubbo extension mechanism, explored the implementation of LoadBalance in Dubbo, and implemented a LoadBalance on our own. Do you think Dubbo’s …

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  • Dubbo extensible mechanism source code analysis - part 1

    Thursday, April 25, 2019 in Articles

    1. Extension Mechanism of Dubbo Dubbo is claimed as a high-performance RPC framework on its official website. Today, I want to talk about another great specialty of Dubbo — its scalability. As quote: Rome wasn’t built in a day. Any successful …

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  • Implementation background and practice of Dubbo server asynchronous interface

    Wednesday, February 20, 2019 in Articles

    Preface It is suggested to make an understanding of the thread phase involved in the process of Dubbo first, please refer to Implementation background and practice of Dubbo client asynchronous interface for details. Implementation background It is …

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  • Implementation background and practice of Dubbo client asynchronous interface

    Wednesday, February 20, 2019 in Articles

    Preface Let’s start with a brief introduction about the stages of a complete Dubbo invocation. Biz~ represents business thread, that is, the thread where the business logic is located. Biz~ thread pool may be created and maintained by business …

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  • How to use Seata to ensure consistency between Dubbo Microservices

    Thursday, January 17, 2019 in Articles

    Use case A business logic for user purchasing commodities. The whole business logic is powered by 3 microservices: Storage service: deduct storage count on given commodity. Order service: create order according to purchase request. Account service: …

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Posts in 2018

  • The fifth Dubbo meetup has been held in Hangzhou

    Monday, December 10, 2018 in Articles

    The fifth Dubbo meetup has been held in Hangzhou, Please enjoy the slides of the topics: Ding Li: How to involve in dubbo community slides Shenli Cao: Dubbo 2.7 introduction slides Tao Yang: Dubbo practice in netease koala slides Mercy Ma: Nacos …

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  • Dubbo Integrates with Nacos to Become a Registry

    Wednesday, November 07, 2018 in Articles

    Nacos is an important registry in Dubbo ecosystem, and dubbo-registry-nacos is the implementation of Dubbo-integrated Nacos registry. Preparation Works Before you integrate dubbo-registry-nacos into your Dubbo project, make sure the Nacos service is …

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  • Introduction to the Dubbo protocol

    Friday, October 05, 2018 in Articles

    The concept of the protocol The protocol is the foundation of communication between two network entities, and data is transmitted from one entity to another in the form of a byte stream over the network. In the world of byte streams, this …

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  • Integrate Dubbo with Kubernetes

    Sunday, September 30, 2018 in Articles

    General goal Dubbo’s provider don’t care about service registration.Open its Dubbo service port,the declaration and publishment of the service will be executed by Kubernetes. Dubbo’s consumer directly discovers the corresponding …

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